The Brave Prince and the Golden Egg-Laying Swan: A Tale of Adventure and Kindness.

Once upon a time, in a beautiful kingdom, there lived a kind and generous king who ruled with fairness and justice. The king loved animals and had a big collection of exotic birds, but always wanted a golden egg-laying swan. The golden egg-laying swan was the most valuable and treasured bird that no-one has ever able to get their hands on.

One day, the kingdom was hit by a severe drought. The crops withered and the people were suffering from hunger and thirst. The king knew he had to find a solution to this problem, and he remembered the story of the golden egg-laying swan.

The king summoned his bravest and smartest young prince and asked him to go on a quest to find the golden egg-laying swan. The prince was excited to go on this adventure and to help the kingdom. He packed his bags, said goodbye to his family, and set out on his journey.

The prince traveled far and wide, facing many challenges along the way. He encountered fierce beasts, treacherous rivers, and scorching deserts. He also met kind and helpful people who gave him food, water, and guidance. The prince never gave up, and his determination and bravery impressed everyone he met.

Finally, the prince arrived at a magical forest where he saw the golden egg-laying swan. The swan was guarded by a dragon, who was known to be very fierce and dangerous. The prince knew that he had to be careful, so he approached the dragon slowly and calmly.

The dragon was surprised to see the prince and asked him what he wanted. The prince told the dragon about the kingdom’s drought and the king’s quest for the golden egg-laying swan. The dragon listened carefully and then told the prince that he would give him the golden egg-laying swan if he could answer a riddle.

The prince was a smart and clever young man, so he was confident that he could solve the riddle. The dragon asked him: “What starts with an E, ends with an E, but contains only one letter?” The prince thought for a moment and then answered: “An envelope.” The dragon was impressed with the prince’s answer and he kept his promise. He gave the prince the golden egg-laying swan and wished him luck on his journey back to the kingdom.

The prince thanked the dragon and set off on his journey back to the kingdom. When he arrived, the king and the people were overjoyed to see him and the golden egg-laying swan. The golden egg that the swan laid was enough to feed the entire kingdom for a year, and the drought was finally over.

The prince was hailed as a hero, and he was praised for his bravery and smartness. The king was proud of his son and he gave him a reward of gold and jewels. The prince was happy, but he was even happier to have helped the kingdom and to have made so many friends along the way.

The end.

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