The Mystery of the Riddling Swan: A Bedtime Adventure

Once upon a time, in a magical land far far away, there lived a little girl named Lily. She was curious and loved solving puzzles and riddles. One day, she was out for a walk in the forest when she stumbled upon a talking swan who was in a bit of trouble.

The swan explained to Lily that it was once a magnificent bird with golden feathers that could lay golden eggs. But one day, a wicked witch put a spell on the swan, turning its golden feathers into dull white feathers, and hiding the golden eggs deep in the forest. The witch also put a riddle on the eggs, and whoever could solve it would be able to find the eggs and break the spell.

Lily was eager to help, so she agreed to try and solve the riddle. The swan gave her the first clue: “I am light as a feather, yet even the strongest man cannot hold me for long. What am I?”

Lily thought hard and finally figured out the answer: “Breath.” The swan was impressed and gave her the next clue: “I can be cracked, made, told, and played, yet never touched or seen. What am I?”

Lily once again thought hard and quickly answered “A joke.” The swan was amazed at her smartness and gave her the final clue: “I have a heart that doesn’t beat, I have a home but I cannot live, I have a mouth but I cannot eat. What am I?”

Lily smiled as she easily answered “A river.” With that, the swan led her to a hidden spot in the forest where she found the golden eggs. She solved the final riddle and broke the spell, restoring the swan to its magnificent golden state.

The swan was overjoyed and thanked Lily for her help. As a reward, it offered her one of the golden eggs. But Lily being an honest and kind-hearted girl, declined the offer and asked the swan to keep all the eggs, as it was their rightful place.

And so, Lily made her way back home with a heart full of happiness and satisfaction, knowing that she had used her smartness and honesty to help someone in need. From that day on, she was known as the clever girl who solved the riddles of the golden swan and helped break the spell.

And as for the swan, it lived happily ever after, laying golden eggs and spreading joy throughout the forest.

The end.

Like to solve something? Try this wooden puzzle.



